04 Jul Ricard Garriga
Ricard Garriga, co-founder Torret Road Capital & Menorca Millennials, the first startup Decelerator for Series A global companies│prev. YouNoodle, 22 Barcelona City Council│Inspired at UCBerkeley │Proud Investor of 8fit, Bulletin.chat. Trappit, AragonProject, 3DdigitalVenue. Passionate about start-ups, investment and talent attraction. He has 12 years’ experience in the entrepreneurship ecosystem, starting at La Salle university in Barcelona where he helped raise capital for tech start-ups and spinoffs, then in 22 Barcelona City Council to implement public policies, and subsequently in California as head of strategy and growth in YouNoodle, a Silicon Valley start-up, where he was in charge of open innovation projects for large corporations and talent attraction programmes for 7 countries, then founding the new concept of ”start-up decelerator” MenorcaMillennials which detects global talent in order invest with it’s own funding company, TorretRoad.
To date 2 failed companies, €27m raised by 16 of them and 2 companies acquired.