31 Aug GSIC and ASTN Announce Joint pre accelerator Program
The Australian Sports Technologies Network (ASTN) in partnership with the Global Sports Innovation Center powered by Microsoft received LaunchVic funding to deliver a sportstech Pre Accelerator Program.
The 10-week program will support 60 Victorian Startup Entrepreneurs to validate their off-field sportstech business idea against competitors, vendors and VCs. In addition to ASTN domain experts other specific industry specialists include GSIC, Pitcher Partners (Finance), Madgwicks (Legal), M&J Creative (Marketing), Sports Tech World Series (Market Research and Validation) and VARCIS Group Ltd (Investment and Asia Market Entry Partner) will support program delivery.
This program aims to better prepare early-stage startups for subsequent sports technology accelerator programs and will be offered 4 times over 2 years with the intend to strengthen the reach, international standing and reputation of the Australian sports tech startup ecosystem in Victoria.
Applications for Cohort 1 of the Pre Accelerator program will open on 1st of September until closing on Monday the 14th of September 2020, 5pm.
Cohort 1 will be conducted in the period 29 September – 9 December 2020, it will include 2 sessions per week over a 10-week period within these dates.
Visit the ASTN website at www.astn.com.au for full program and application details.
About the ASTN
The Australian Sports Technologies Network (ASTN) provides leadership in the commercialisation, development and promotion of Australian-inspired sports technologies. Established in 2012 the ASTN is an industry-led Australian ecosystem of organisations with a vested interest in sports technology development.
About GSIC
Global Sports Innovation Center (GSIC) powered by Microsoft connects the sports industry to innovation by facilitating synergies and provides its members with value-added services that enable sports entities and companies to grow and develop with the help of experienced professionals in sports tech ecosystem.