16 Dec AquaBloom Sports Group is Now Member of GSIC POWERED BY MICROSOFT

The Global Sports Innovation Center (GSIC) and AquaBloom International Sports Technology Group (ABSG) formed China and Global Strategic partnership and alliance
Madrid, December 16, 2020 – The Global Sports Innovation Center powered by Microsoft is excited to announce that AquaBloom International Sports Technology Group Limited (ABSG), a leading sports technology and innovation platform and Ecosystem in China, has joined its members network to promote collaboration and integration of the global sports industry.
GSIC powered by Microsoft was launched in Madrid, Spain on May 2015 with the aim to create a broad and inclusive international ecosystem composed by entrepreneurs, universities and institutions, which, through the Centre can generate synergies, new projects, products and business opportunities, in an atmosphere of co-creation, cooperation and innovation. GSIC was born at an intersection for all economic sectors linked to sports (performance, health, fitness, fan-engagement, gamification, IT, sporting goods, wearables, tourism, education, etc.). The purpose of GSIC is to support sports tech companies and organizations in order to foster projects and activities that strengthen the sports industry and enable people to achieve a better quality of life, both through the experience of sports itself (professional and amateur) and as viewers.
With more than 20 years of successful track-records in the sports and sports innovation industry in North America, China, and Asia, ABSG has established unique advantages on Market Opportunities, Government Policies, Technologies, Capital Market, Talents and IPs to continuously creating cutting-edge Sports technology Ecosystem and comprehensive Services Platform for China and for the World; in addition, to fulfill ABSG’s vision of “Unite the World with Sports and Innovation!”
“The GSIC is one of the world’s best Sports Innovation centers, providing the best innovative tech solutions to sports entities in their digital transformation journey. The ABSG Group is very glad to reach comprehensive collaboration with the GSIC, I believe this collaboration will have an important and far-reaching strong impact on both sides and as well as for the China and global sports technology and innovation industry”, said Mr. Mike Yang, Founder and CEO of ABSG.
At the initial stage of this collaboration, the two organizations will focus on the following key areas:
- With GSIC’s extensive network and experience working with global talents, projects, and companies in the global sports industry, and ABSG’s resources and market opportunities in China, both sides are committed to promoting the integration of the global and China market in sports innovation and technology.
- GSIC and ABSG are looking to co-host world-class industry events with a focus on the China market and to support each other’s events via active participation.
- As the GSIC’s first and only ambassador in the Greater China area, ABSG will play a critical role in facilitating cooperation between GSIC global members and China Sports companies by providing high-quality and comprehensive service systems, contents, and solution package from both local and global resources.
- The GSIC and ABSG will be working together to bring the academic resources of the GSIC Institute to China. Since 2019, in collaboration with ESBS European Sports Business School, GSIC Institute started offering educational programs, including the Master in Digital Transformation of Sports Entities and a Sports Entrepreneurship Course. With the facilitation of ABSG, GSIC can explore partnership opportunities with top universities in China and expand its academic program offerings.
Iris Cordoba, General Manager of GSIC powered by Microsoft said that “Having ABSG as a member opens great opportunities for GSIC and the rest of our members to establish new connections in China and grow on this fast-growing market. GSIC is dedicating a major effort to expand its network to this country, and in this sense, we think ABSG can become our good ally”.
“I believe this collaboration will have an important and far-reaching impact on both sides and as well as the global sports technology and innovation industry.”, said Yang of ABSG.
The GSIC is looking forward to working with the ABSG. Please stay tuned to upcoming joint-efforts events and initiatives.